Your south 
 italian real 
 estate agency 

L'Agenzia Immobiliare ImmoPuglia di Di Carlo Pia Caterina nasce nel 2017 e, data la conoscenza da parte della titolare di 5 lingue (tedesco, francese, inglese, spagnolo ed italiano), si rivolge sin da subito ad una clientela nazionale ed internazionale. Stabilisce la sua sede nel centro storico di Maruggio e, negli anni, si consolida e matura la giusta esperienza diventando un punto di riferimento per serietà, professionalità ed efficienza. Oggi, la profonda conoscenza del territorio e delle realtà professionali ed imprenditoriali della zona le permette di garantire ai propri clienti (stranieri e non) una serie di servizi che vanno dalla negoziazione dell’immobile, alla vendita fino alla ristrutturazione.

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ImmoPuglia Pia Caterina Di Carlo IconImmoPuglia Pia Caterina Di Carlo

Via Malta, 33, Maruggio

5,0 26 reviews

  • Avatar Dasa Klasova ★★★★★ a year ago
    Pia from this real estate agency is really professional and passionate about her job. She helped us to find a dream home for our family. I am from Slovakia, my husband is Hungarian and without her help we could not be there, where we are. … More I can just highly recommend her to everyone who is searching the house in Puglia. 🙏🏻👌🏻👍🏻
  • Avatar Gaynor Knight ★★★★★ 3 years ago
    We are from England and have bought a holiday home near Manduria. We could not have done this without the help and professional support from Pia in ImmoPuglia. From the minute we contacted her on email she kept in regular contact with us … More and when we visited Italy she looked after us. The process of buying a property in Italy is very different to the UK, Pia helped us with everything, making the experience enjoyable and easy. We had lots of questions for her and they were all answered very quickly.
    We would highly recommend anyone who is thinking of buying a property in Puglia to contact ImmoPuglia.
  • Avatar Monluk ★★★★★ 2 years ago
    Vor einem Jahr entschieden wir nach Apulien auszuwandern!Wir kontaktierten diverse Makler und schnell merkten wir, das es sich nicht so einfach gestaltet ein Wohnhaus zu finden, nicht nur ein Ferienhaus!Bei der Maklerin von Immopuglia wurden … More wir kompetent begleitet,unsere Wünsche und Anliegen gehört!Als wir das geeignete Wohndomizil gefunden hatten, begleitete Sie uns durch den Kaufprozess, sowie Sie auch für uns alle nötigen Formalitäten Vorort regelte!Die mehrsprachige Kompetenz der Maklerin war uns eine immense Unterstützung.Die Kaufverträge erhielten wir zusätzlich komplett übersetzt auf deutsch,was es uns möglich machte in der Schweiz den Institutionen diese Unterlagen vorzulegen!Sie war und ist immer noch jederzeit für uns erreichbar und unterstützt uns im Prozess hier in Apulien zu Hause zu sein!Ohne Sie an unser Seite wie auch Ihre wertvollen Kontakte, hätten wir die Auswanderung nicht geschafft!Immopuglia ist nicht einfach eine Verkaufsplattform sondern dahinter befindet sich eine höchst kompetente Maklerin welche ich unbedingt jedem empfehlen kann der ein Haus in Apulien sucht!Wir bedanken uns herzlichst !
  • Avatar Aaron Schäfer ★★★★★ 4 months ago
    Der gesamte Kaufprozess wurde zuverlässig und professionell begleitet. Alle Fragen rund um die Immobilie und die örtlichen Gegebenheiten wurden schnell und kompetent beantwortet. Klare Empfehlung für ImmoPuglia.
  • Avatar Nicola Cardellicchio ★★★★★ 2 weeks ago
    Complimenti ai titolari per la loro serietà professionalità e gentilezza, grazie a loro abbiamo trovato la villa dei nostri sogni. Sempre disponibili a risolvere qualsiasi problematica. Grazie 😃
  • Avatar Monika Patelli ★★★★★ 2 anni fa
    A year ago we decided to emigrate to Apulia! We contacted various brokers and we quickly realized that it wasn't so easy to find a house, not just a holiday home! The broker from Immopuglia gave us competent support and listened to … More our wishes and concerns !When we had found the right place to live, she accompanied us through the purchase process and also took care of all the necessary formalities for us on site!The multilingual competence of the real estate agent was an immense support for us made it possible for us to present these documents to the institutions in Switzerland! She was and still is available to us at any time and supports us in the process of being at home here in Apulia! Without you by our side and your valuable contacts, we would have emigrated didn't make it! Immopuglia is not just a sales platform, it is behind it a highly competent real estate agent which I can definitely recommend to anyone looking for a house in Puglia! Thank you very much!
  • Avatar cosimo bianchini ★★★★★ 3 anni fa
    I interacted with ImmoPuglia - Puglia for friends for the sale of a property in Campomarino di Maruggio (TA).
    My experience was excellent from all points of view. I really appreciated the professionalism, kindness and helpfulness of the
    … More staff.
    My many questions have always been promptly answered; I requested a check on a technical aspect of the property that the Real Estate immediately took charge of carrying out; I felt followed and protected during all the bureaucratic processes and I was given an exhaustive explanation of the various technical aspects.
    The human factor, then, is definitely what makes ImmoPuglia the top in the range of real estate agencies.
    Well done!
  • Avatar Giubatt Battista ★★★★★ 3 anni fa
    Immopuglia = professionalism, competence and reliability ... does that seem little to you?
    My every request was successful in a fast and administratively precise way, a compliment to this agency is mandatory, I recommend it to anyone who
    … More has thought of having their own property administered by a real estate and wants to sleep peacefully and quietly. I am sure you will agree with me. Giuseppe Battista
  • Avatar Albane Hervy ★★★★★ 3 anni fa
    Real estate agency of very good quality listening to the desires, requests of its customers. Very responsive to our questions and always present. We have just bought a house with them and are delighted to meet these great agents with whom … More communication is easy, 4 languages ​​spoken.
    Guaranteed follow-up until signing and well beyond.
  • Avatar Eugenio Nardella ★★★★★ 3 anni fa
    Agenzia immobiliare gestita da personale cortese, qualificato, disponibile e paziente! Qualità fondamentali per questo settore. Eugenio, Nilde e Sergio
  • Avatar Giuseppe Caforio ★★★★★ 3 anni fa
    Professionali ,puntuali e soprattutto affidabili...ottima agenzia a cui rivolgersi!!
  • Avatar Francesco Lonoce ★★★★★ 5 anni fa
    Posti stupendi...

 Sogni un immobile 
 da acquistare 
 in Puglia? 

Bene, siamo le persone giuste per trasformare il tuo desiderio in realtà, gente esperta che saprà soddisfare ogni tua esigenza e bisogno. Contattaci per dirci cosa stai cercando e noi sapremo subito trovare, tra le diverse possibilità che siamo in grado di offrire, la soluzione ideale per te.

Al fine di aiutarti nella scelta giusta, ti accompagneremo personalmente sul posto per mostrarti le potenzialità delle diverse opzioni. Una volta effettuata la scelta, ci occuperemo di ogni aspetto tecnico-amministrativo per addivenire, in tempi rapidi, all'acquisto dell'immobile selezionato.
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Saremo felici di darvi suggerimenti e contatti con le giuste professionalità per eventuali lavori di ristrutturazione, modifiche di ogni genere, impianti e sistemi ecc. Naturalmente, garantiremo che il lavoro venga eseguito a perfetta regola d'arte e che sia terminato nei tempi stabiliti.
Nello specifico cureremo tutte le fasi della vendita interessandoci della:











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